Minutes of the LIS Section meeting held on
26th July 2010
Present: G. Arduini, S. Aumon, C. Carli, H. Bartosik,
M. Newman, Y. Papaphpilippou
General Information (Gianluigi)
Fellows: a meeting has taken place to review the fellow
requests for the various groups. It has been decided to stabilize the fellow
distribution to the present numbers. This means that ABP quota will stabilize to
about 20 fellows/year corresponding to ~34% of the overall BE quota!
Achieved >1.5x1030 cm-2
Hz with 12 bunches/beam. Next steps to
go to 24 bunches with bunch train injection from SPS (4 bunches/train). At
present recovering from technical stop. First evidence of top quark candidates
presented at ICHEP2010
More information can be found in the
LHC commissioning web page
Gianluigi has asked the machine
supervisors to continue to distribute the weekly summary on the status of the
machines to all the machine supervisors including those in the ICE section.
SPS (from Elias):
2 magnets were changed during the
technical stop.
Machine development session:
successful test of the
newly installed LHC collimator with button pick-ups,
successful UA9 run with
good efficiency and rapid re-establishment and improvement of
last year performance with new goniometers and crystals;
the installation of a
stainless-steel reference line with electron cloud monitor took
place but the LHC beam high intensity run was hampered by the
high outgassing of the kapton present in the electron cloud
monitor. The area had to be re-opened and the kapton removed.
and MD with 50 ns LHC
beam and intensity well above nominal had to be cancelled due to
an inter-turn short on a main dipole coil. the magnet was
changed on Friday and the machine was back in operation on
Saturday for LHC filling.
Round Table
- Yannis:
- PS MD last week to verify whether the observed
fluctuation of the magnetic field at injection could be related to the effect of
the pole-face windings of the reference magnets.
The results are not conclusive but it seems that
this cause
can likely be discarded.
- RF team has produced a 150 ns beam with nominal bunch
intensity. Some more work is required.
- Simone is trying to set-up a MTE cycle with electrostatic
septum to minimize the losses on the magnetic septum.
- PS2: studies on the large wide-band RF cavities ongoing.
Draft of the conceptual design report to be prepared by the end of September
- Non-linear dynamics conference in Greece. Various aspects
were covered. New methods and tools were presented not only from accelerator
physics. New tools and parameters for defining a chaotic behaviour and speed-up
dynamic aperture estimations. Link to the conference:
- MD4 status: not clear whether this
cycle has been fully re-established after the
controls problems occurred last week.
- Themis Williams (staff child)
has been working on the 1000 turn
measurement with BPM turn-by-turn data from PS under the supervision of Hannes and Yannis.
- Sandra:
- PS Injection studies: The
ringing observed on the LHC BLM signal in the
injection regio is an artifact. The time
response of the LHC BLMs is slower than that of
the ACMs and the losses of the
individual bunches cannot be resolved. The sensistivity of the LHC B:LM is also
poorer so that the turn-by-turn losses occurring right after injection are
visible. 1/3 of the losses seem to occur right at injection and the rest is distributed over few
hundreds turns. Gianluigi and Christian suggested to look whether there
are means to change the beam size at the injection septum by modifying the optics
in the injection transfer line or by acting on the emittance of
the beams. A presentation on the status will be given at the next
- Miriam:
- finishing the data analysis of the MTE . For
the moment no clear explanations of the fluctuation of the losses.
- Christian:
- LEIR should take beam next week. Some
co-ordination issues for the shut-down. Water valves have been installed to have the
possibility to minimize the flow on magnets and give more margin for the
operation of the LINAC/LEIR water station, but the type of valves installed in
not apt.
- Problems with the LEIR controls have been found (InCA)
and they are being
- Beam instrumentation is working.
The remote acquisition of the Schottky
spectra has been fixed by OP (S. Pasinelli). but the robustness with respect to
network load and with respect to versioning of the Operating System (Windows
XP) have to be addressed to guarantee long term maintainability. To be discussed
with BI
- 18 GHz source tested but X-rays
level too high ==> stopped by RP. No time to install additional shielding for this year.
- The plasma chamber is now stainless steel and the source
seems to be more stable with reasonable current (20 microA at the end of LINAC3)
- LINAC4: the note on
LINAC4-PSB RF interface is being reviewed by
P. Baudrenghien. New simulations with ORBIT need to be launched to study the
effect of a slower energy modulation as proposed
by the LINAC4 team. The configuration for the
injection hardware is being finalized and agreed
with ABT. The idea of having a larger painting
bump proposed by Christian and Michel in order
to minimize the risk of accidental damage of the
injection foil after injection has been included
in the design. Activation studies in the PSB and
the study on a possible collimation system are
progressing slowly and remain one of the main
- Christian has been
contacted by M. Dosanjh and M. Silari who have
confirmed the interest for a faciility for
radiobiological studies at CERN at LEIR. A
request for a study will be submitted.
Next meeting
Monday, 9th August 2010
at 14:00
in room 354-1-001
- General information (Gianluigi)
- Injection studies (Sandra)
- Round table (all)
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