Minutes of the LIS Section meeting held on 26th July 2010

Present: G. Arduini, S. Aumon, C. Carli, H. Bartosik, M. Newman, Y. Papaphpilippou

General Information (Gianluigi) 

Fellows: a meeting has taken place to review the fellow requests for the various groups. It has been decided to stabilize the fellow distribution to the present numbers. This means that ABP quota will stabilize to about 20 fellows/year corresponding to ~34% of the overall BE quota!

Achieved >1.5x1030  cm-2 Hz with 12 bunches/beam. Next steps to go to 24 bunches with bunch train injection from SPS (4 bunches/train). At present recovering from technical stop. First evidence of top quark candidates presented at ICHEP2010

More information can be found in the LHC commissioning web page

Gianluigi has asked the machine supervisors to continue to distribute the weekly summary on the status of the machines to all the machine supervisors including those in the ICE section.

SPS (from Elias):

2 magnets were changed during the technical stop.

Machine development session:

Round Table

  Next meeting

Monday, 9th August 2010 at 14:00 in room 354-1-001



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