Minutes of the LIS Section meeting held on 7th November 2011
Present: G. Arduini, S. Gilardoni, C. Hernalsteens
General Information (Gianluigi)
· Ronny will start officially on 1/11 as ASR GL
· Departmental meeting will take place on Tue 6/12. Paul would like to have some slides from the groups and projects two weeks in advance.
· MATLAB: for the moment the number of licenses has been increased to more than 70 and the situations seems to be acceptable. This is going to stay until July 2012. Pierre is discussing with IT and MathSoft how to continue afterwards. Mathsoft would like CERN to pay the full cost of the licenses. This is going to be negotiated by Pierre and IT with Mathsoft. Pierre would like to get at least a fraction of the licenses at the reduced cost proposed for academic use and for that he would like to know how many students/fellows are using that in BE. Gianluigi thinks that approximately 20 to 30 students fellows are using Matlab in ABP
· VIA fellows: the situation is not clarified yet. Pierre is hoping to have an answer in a couple weeks so that regular via contracts could be started on 1/12 In the department we have 3 people (one in ABP: R. Wasef (in LIS) with a temporary labor contract for the time being). The contract is ending at the end of December. I have discussed with Simone to start preparing possible alternative solutions (e.g. PhD).
A new ticketing system has been introduced for
the BE desktop. Pierre will send an e-mail with explanations.
· Technical and Doctoral students list of requests should be sent to Delphine with copy to Oliver and me by Tue 15/11
Round table (all)
PS running OK for the last two weeks except for a power cut which took 10 hours to recover from.
Safety folder for the PS being written: Operation (J. Duran Lopez) and shielding issues (Simone). PS is the first of the machine among the existing ones.
PS 50 Yellow report: the paper version of the first volume is ready to be delivered next week.
Studies for space charge dominated beams continuing with Elena Benedetto. Resonance measurements at 2 GeV for low space charge beams being performed by Rende's student.
A 50 ns beam with 1 micrometer emittance has been produced in the PS Booster with a bunch population of 0.9×1011 p/bunch with the aim of verifying emittance preservation through the chain. Heavy scraping was required in the PS Booster.
Raymond computed a new optics with increased beta function at the SEM grids to improve the measurement precision (larger number of wires to be touched by the beam) particularly for the LHC beams.
MTE: measurements of the fixed point positions have been performed at 2 GeV/c (those at 14 GeV/c have been completed). The main aim of these measurements at 2 GeV/c is to study the stability issues. It is planned to extract protons using the Electrostatic Septum before the end of the year). At 2 GeV/c islands are visible not only in the horizontal but also in the vertical plane. Tis is the result of the linear and non-linear coupling which needs to be corrected.
Gianluigi asked whether the stability of the islands can be improved by preceding the MTE cycle with a 26 GeV cycle and by cycling the figure-of-eight loop.
Mariusz Juchno has completed the 3D model of the PS magnets.
Gersende (by e-mail after the meeting)
The status on the Neutrino Factory work on my side is:
Cedric suggested some possible modifications to the structure of the MADX files for the PS. Simone noted that the proposed changes where requested some time ago to Olav Berrig but they were not implemented. Action: Gianluigi and Simone to discuss with Olav.
Next meeting
Monday, 5th December 2011 at 14:00 in room 6-R-012
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