Minutes of the LIS Section meeting held on 26 March 2012
Present: G. Arduini, A. Garonna, A. Lachaize, R. Wasef, C. Yu, C. Hernalsteens, V. Forte, A. Ulsroed.
General Information (Gianluigi)
LHC status:
Commissioning with beam started
Beams accelerated to 4 TeV
Commissioning of the squeeze to b*=60 cm ongoing
Aim to accumulate 15 fb-1 by the end of the year.
A joint LIU-HL/LHC brainstorming meeting will take place on Friday 30/3 to discuss the between LIU and HL/LHC parameters in the auditorium in building 30. The agenda is available at: http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=175259
Gianluigi will be absent from Monday 26/3 afternoon until Wednesday 28/3 afternon (included)
Round Table (all)
The MTE cycle has been set-up and the measurement campaign is about to start. Beam measurements will be performed in parallel to magnetic measurements next week. Marco Buzio and team will measure quadrupolar component of the PS main magnets on-line.
Adriano has contacted people from HIT and HIMAC to get information on their slow extraction schemes. He will discuss with J. Tuckmantel for the RF noise generation.
A meeting has taken place last week with Adriano, Christian, Detlef Kuchler and his student to see the possible species of light ions.
The optics with larger dispersion and beta functions using the gamma jump triplets to reduce the space charge tune spread will be tested in experiments.
Raymond is also going to start measurements of the PS resonant terms with F. Schmidt. Gianluigi suggested to consider the option of using the PS transverse feedback as an AC dipole for these measurements in case the decoherence is too fast.
Vincenzo is conducting convergence studies with PTC/ORBIT for the PSB to determine the parameters to be used for the space charge simulations
A working point below the half integer is being considered for the moment
Helping with the data taking for the SPS scrubbing.
Next meeting
Monday, 16th April 2012 at 14:00 in room 6-R-012
General Information (Gianluigi)
Preliminary results of the PTC/ORBIT convergence studies in the PSB (Vincenzo)
Round Table (all)
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