Minutes of the LIS Section meeting held on 23 April 2012

Present: G. Arduini, V. Forte, A. Garonna, C. Hernalsteens, A. Lachaize, Y. Papaphilippou, M. Pivi, G. Sterbini, R. Wasef, C. Yu

General Information (Gianluigi)

Gianluigi introduced Mauro Pivi from SLAC. He is an expert in electron cloud build-up simulation and mitigation measures and in the study of the effects of electron cloud.

IPAC12 papers to be uploaded on the BE server for group and departmental approval by 30/4.

Group meeting on 18/6.

LHC status:

Machine running with up to 1380 bunches and bunch population close to 1.3×1011 p. Luminosity of up to 5.6×1033 cm-2s-1. 1 fb-1 accumulated so far.

Round Table (all)


Looking at the lattice and optics of the TT2-TT10 transfer line, trying to understand the reasons for the various choices done.


Reading documentation and hands-on experience on the PS and on the transverse feedback. The first tests with the PS transverse feedback have been postponed to 26/4 due to the unavailability of A. Blas. Writing contributions to IPAC12 (CLIC-CTF3)


Working on understanding the analytical the RF knock-out and stochastic extraction. Studying the layout of the extraction sextupoles and septa.


Working on dynamic aperture for LHC and its impact on luminosity lifetime. Test of the injection optics in the PS to be defined.


PS measurements being performed with longer flat top in the PS to study electron cloud build-up and coupled bunch instabilities. Simulations with WARP/POSINST will beperformed.

SPS simulations on the effect of a wide-band feedback (including noise, filters, etc) on the electron cloud instability in the SPS. These simulations have been performed with C-MAD. An analogous model of the feedback is going to be implemented in HEADTAIL by Mauro and K. Li.


Running space charge simulations without boundaries to study direct space charge effects and compare the results with simulations including boundaries. The impact on the computing time is being evaluated.


Continuing the convergence study for the PS and evaluating the effect of the mesh size.

Next meeting

Monday, 7th May 2012 at 14:00 in room 6-R-012


General Information (Gianluigi)

Status of the study of the impact of short dipoles on PSB performance (Elena)

Update on PTC/ORBIT space charge studies in the PSB (Vincenzo)

Round Table (all)



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