Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 07/10/2008

Present: MA, RC, SF, MG, NH, JJ, YL, AM, JLN, TP, SR, TR, FeRo, FS, RT, SP, SW, TW, FZ

Report from meetings

Proposed changes for the aperture module -> TR  (pdf)

A number of changes in the aperture module are proposed by TR based on the experience of the past months. Here is the list of the agreed changes:

A number of features were observed mainly linked with zero-length elements (markers). Sample jobs were prepared and JBJ will verify the situation in the coming weeks.

Follow up of LHC thick model with errors -> FeRo  (pdf)
FeRo described the recent results concerning the filed errors to thick elements using PTC.
A successful comparison between MAD-X (thin) and PTC was carried out including b2 errors in the dipoles. A new version of PTC with improved error management was prepared by FS:
it will be tested soon.
The new scripts prepared by SF were also studied, in particular the proposed correction of the b2 error in the dipoles by means of the MQTs. The phase error along s is nicely corrected. The induced beta-beating is small. Hence, this approach could be proposed as a standard setting for the beam commissioning. The b2 correction should be incorporated in FiDeL. SF comments that another advantage would be to have the MQTs working at about 6 A, hence outside the region around 0 A where the transfer function is essentially unknown. In principle, the additional beta-beating might be completely corrected by re-matching the insertions. However, this would mean having an time-dependent optics as the matching should follow the variation of b2 within the cycle. This is considered not worth it.
The correction of the coupling due to a2 errors is also tested, in particular in view of assessing the impact of the potential  missing skew quadrupoles in the Q23.R3 and Q27.R3 (to be replaced with spare without the appropriate corrector packages due to the recent incident) on the correction quality. The analysis should be completed.


Aperture for the new proposed optics with IP1-IP5 phasing -> MA  (pdf)
MA reported about the aperture analysis he performed for the proposed solutions aimed at improving the phase between IP1 and IP5. The aperture model is provided by MG and uses the measure profiles for the superconducting magnets.
Globally, the minimum n1 for the modified insertions is not reduced with respect to the nominal optics for V6.503. Still, it is possible to observe a reduction of aperture margin in some regions (still remaining within the specifications). MG suggests to have another round of matching to verify whether it is possible to recover some of the aperture margin. After this the optics will be made available for additional cross-checks by the collimation team.
It was verified that the proposed solution fulfill the Beam1/Beam2 constraints for the insertion quadrupoles and that all quadrupoles are powered by not less that 3% of their nominal value, except Q8.L2 (Beam1), which is at 2.8% (still considered acceptable).


MULCOPIM'08 Workshop -> FZ (pdf)

FZ reports about the multipactoring, corona and passive intermodulation in high power microwave systems for satellite applications workshop. The was one invited paper from CERN and three CERN participants.
The possibility of collaboration between the two communities (particle accelerators and space applications) could be at the level of simulation codes. In particular it was proposed to change FEST3D (code used in the satellite application community) in order to include a particle beam and magnetic fields.
Few experts will be invited to the HHH e-cloud workshop in November.



Last update: 7-October-08


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