Presents: HB, MG,
- Follow-up of actions from previous meetings
- Status of aperture model -> JJ (pdf
- Tools to analyse
MAD-like aperture model generated by S. Chemly are ready.
- The aperture model
provided by S. Chemly has 197 overlapping beam pipes.
- The generation of
the aperture model on LOC side is put in stand-by until the database is
corrected (Action: TR, MG).
- Report from meetings
- LTC -> MG
- Discussion of the
issue of ATLAS alignment: the proposal will be presented at LEMIC
- The performance of
the MQT and MQS correctors is within specs.
- The weak MQTLs
will be located according to the list provided by MG to K.-H. Mess and R.
Wolf via an official Memo. Co-ordination between AT-MEL and AT-MAS is being
- MEB -> MG
- Presentation of
first triplet magnets for assignment to IR8 (imposed by installation
- Slot allocation of
cryodipoles for sector 4-5 in progress.
- Status of V6.500 model -> TR
- The optics was correct since data
extraction from the database.
- Hardware changes were found in the
- positioning of the D1 separation dipoles
- positioning of the correctors to generate
the crossing scheme. This requires trimming of the crossing bumps as at
present they are not perfectly closed.
- hardware type of the correctors in Q5 R2
and A5 L8: they were MCBY type in V6.5 and they are now MCBC type.
Consequences have to be evaluated (Action: MG, WH, TR).
- Due to the growing number of optical
configurations, it is agreed to generate for the V6.500 (and higher) separate
strength files for each insertion (stored in separate directories): in the
case of experimental insertions the files will be labeled with the value of
beta*. Each file will contain both the quadrupoles' strength and the one of
the crossing scheme elements. The flags "on_x*", "on_sep*", "on_lhcb", "on_alice"
will be used to switch between nominal configurations. It will be left to the
user to build the required LHC optical configuration. Sample files for the
more common configurations will be provided for guidance (Action: TR).
- A wrong value for the crossing angle of IP8
was detected by SF. WH checked and found the correct value. Verification of
the aperture will be performed (Action: WH, JBJ). In case aperture is
acceptable the corresponding file for V6.5 will be changed.
- Crossing angle issues -> WH (pdf
- A complete review of the crossing schemes
is on-going. One of the objectives is to define the beam parameters
required for fancy configurations (e.g. for CMS variants of the TOTEM optics)
and to assess the hardware requirements to implements those optical
- Such a study will also assess whether the
spectrometers for ALICE and LHCb can be really operated with both polarities
or whether there is one preferred polarity due to aperture issues.
- The results will be reported in a paper in
- The results will be used to create the
appropriate files for MADX (e.g. the squeeze sequence) with the correct
crossing scheme.
- Status of scrapers in the SPS -> HB
(pdf file)
- Installation of H/V scrapers in the SPS
is now taken for granted.
- Skew scraper could be installed in a
second phase: it is confirmed that it will not be mandatory for typical beam
conditions during commissioning phase.
- Refined simulations should be performed
to assess the performance of the system. More realistic beam distributions
should be considered (non-Gaussian, superposition of Gaussian distributions
to simulate the bunch-to-bunch fluctuations) as well as models, e.g.
including also coupling.
- A detailed study of the secondary
collimators should also be performed considering also the issue of
compatibility between the LHC and the high-intensity CNGS beam.
- Specification of field quality for
MQY quadrupoles
-> MG (pdf file)
- Impact of FQ of MQY quadrupoles on DA is
dominated by:
- b10 -> allowed multipole
- a9 -> non-allowed multipole. Induced by
feed-down effects (vertical crossing angle)
- DA is dominated by the MQYs in IR6.
- The findings of the tracking studies have
been communicated to relevant people (FQWG, SSSS Co-ordinator, MEB) as
target field quality.
- Tracking MQX at injection -> MG (pdf
- FQ of triplet quadrupoles has a clear
impact on DA (now below 11 sigma).
- DA is weakly affected by feed-down effects
due to IR2 vertical crossing (b10 into a9).
- DA does not differ significantly for the
two optical configurations considered, i.e. nominal injection
(beta*(IR1/IR5)=18 m) and pre-squeezed optics (beta*(IR1/IR5)=11 m).
- Once more MQYs in IR6 dominate the scene.
- Slot assignment of triplet
quadrupoles -> FS (pdf file)
- The boundary conditions of this exercise
- The assemblies LQXA01, LQXA04, LQXB04
and LQXB05 have been selected for installation in IP8, which is top
priority according to the installation schedule. Such a choice is made on
the basis of the geometry.
- The assembly LQXC03 is pre-selected for
IP8 left, which is top priority according to the installation schedule.
- The exact slot for the Q1 and Q2 is
determined by evaluating the nonlinear correctors’ strength needed for the
specific configuration.
- As the field quality of the whole set
of Q3 magnets is already available, the evaluation of the configuration
take into account also the choice of the second Q3 for the right side of
the insertion.
- According to the results, no big
difference in terms of correctors’ strength is found for the various
configurations analysed. A slightly better configuration is the one
- LQXA01 -> left side of IP8
- LQXB04 -> left side of IP8
- LQXC03 -> left side of IP8
- LQXA04 -> right side of IP8
- LQXB05 -> right side of IP8
- Effect of crossing and separation
schemes on the design of the TCT and TCLIA collimators-> SR (pdf
- The design of the TCT, tertiary
collimators (all IPs), and TCLI, injection protection (IP2/IP8), should be
finalised. The jaw movement should foresee an overshoot appropriate to the
crossing scheme conditions.
- A worst case analysis is presented.
- Fiducialisation procedure for
triplet quadrupoles-> JBJ (pdf file)
- Discussions are in progress to define
the details of the fiducialisation procedure for triplet quadrupoles.
- Transfer line matching activities ->
- The
matching between TI2 and the LHC ring is being analysed. Dispersion
matching is one of the topics. beta* knobs developed by W. Wittmer could
be adapted to this aim.
Colour code:
- Black: proposed agenda
- Red: outcome of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 19-07-2005 23:00:00