Presents: HB, RDM, SF,
- Follow-up of actions from previous meetings
- Field errors for triplet magnets -> FS
- Magnetic data for
single magnets are still missing due to a problem with the analysis of the
measured data (initial phase of the measurement mole not taken into account
properly in the analysis). The situation will be reported at MEB this
afternoon with the aim of calling for a meeting with responsible people in AT
Dept. to define the best strategy. Once the data will be made available, a
presentation at the FQWG should be foreseen.
- Report from meetings
- LTC, SLM -> OB
- AV reports that
his presentation at the LTC on IR4 tuneability did not raised any burning
- WGA -> JBJ
- Tolerances for the
external lines of SSS were officially delivered.
- Tolerances for
"golden SSS" should be ready in a week.
- Issue of
inter-axis distance at the level of MSCB is still not understood.
- Status
of magnet activities workpackages  -> SF (pdf
- Activities are
well-advancing on all classes of magnets, i.e. dipoles and spool pieces, main
quadrupoles and lattice correctors, insertion magnets, and triplet quadrupoles.
- The really critical
issue concerns the triplet, as the detailed analysis required for magnet
evaluation and slot allocation is blocked due to missing magnetic data.
- Review of the status
every two, three months will be made.
- LHC IR upgrade Studies
-> RDM (pdf file)
- The configuration
studied is the so-called "dipole first".
- An optical solution
was found.
- It is suggested to
have a rough estimate of the characteristics of the two-in-one quadrupoles
(e.g. apertures) to have a preliminary evaluation of the feasibility of the
- It is suggested to
have a separate dipole corrector to generate the vertical crossing scheme.
- Issues to be studied
next: chromaticity correction and dynamic aperture.
- Preparation and status of beam-beam
tracking -> WH (pdf file) DK (pdf file)
- Preparation of the
beam-beam simulation campaign is over. This required:
- Development of a new
environment/scripts to perform tune scans
- Development of the
tool to submit the jobs to CPSS and BOINC
- Modifications in
- It is suggested to
improve the CPU-time requirements for tune-scans by
- Performing
short-term runs to rule out bad tunes.
- Not performing a
grid scan, but rather a sort of guided search (simplex method, simulated
annealing, etc.) to find the best tune.
- It is suggested to
perform a scan over the phase advance between the insertions.
- Influence of field quality of cold
D3, D4 separation magnets -> MG (pdf file)
- A study of the
impact of the cold D3 and D4 dipoles was performed by using:
- Field quality in
official error tables, i.e. D1-like field quality for D3 and D2-like field
quality for D4.
- Expected field
quality according to BNL reports/web site.
- In the case of D3
the difference between the two sets of error is mainly b3 (lead and return
end, body, both at injection and collision).
- In the case of D4
the difference between the sets of errors is mainly b3 (body, both at
injection and collision).
- A reduction of about
0.5-1 sigma in DA is found when the expected error tables are used.
- The culprit for DA
reduction is b3 in D4 magnets.
- Measured field
quality in D4 magnets turned out to be better than expected one. Therefore,
the situation seems to be safe.
- Crossing angles for intermediate
values of beta* -> JBJ
- Following a number
of discussions between I. Bayshev and people in the LEA Group, there is a
request to have a complete optics settings, i.e. including also crossing
angles, for beta*=2 m.
- Such a configuration
is already available in the database, but the crossing angle scheme is
- A guideline to
define the crossing angle should be given by the analysis of the beam-beam
effect: it is decided that the value of the minimum crossing angle be defined
by beam-beam experts (WH). Other consideration will then dictate the choice of
the optimal value compatible with beam-beam.
Colour code:
- Black: proposed agenda
- Red: outcome of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 24-05-2005 23:30:00