Presents: AA, RA, HB, RdM, WH, MG, JBJ, JJ, YP, FR, TR, TW, FZ.
Excused: FS
- Report from meetings
- MEB -> MG
- The magnet
approval is continuing (to be approved 70 dipole, 15 SSS and 25 SpSSS,
until mid-February).
- On next MEB the
3rd spectrometer compensator and two missing
D2 will be approved.
- TCC -> JBJ
- The
change request for the Y chambers in IR2 and 8 was briefly discussed.
Although this may have impact on installation, Lyn
was very firm, and positive for the change.
- Last sector
was finished and put under pressure at the end of October.
- For
sector 7-8 there
was a pressure test. The arc performed well. On the other hand a Helium
heat exchanger is damaged in a triplet magnet. The QRL performed
satisfactorily, apart from three minor leaks.
- Regarding installation progress, there
is a problem in IR3, due to a delay on
the superconducting link feeding all the correctors. The cable was too
short by 5m (out of 400-500m), but the factory has discontinued the
- LHCCWG -> MG, RWA (pdf
- Three
presentations regarding commissioning of the squeeze, one for optics
from Massimo, one from Ralph for collimator settings and
one from Mike for application software.
- Regarding the
squeeze there is a need to complete the studies on IR2 and IR8, ASAP.
(Action: JJ, YP).
- RA presents the
possible collimator settings during the ramp.
- Loss maps
at the start and end of the ramp are computed: several magnets at top
energy in IR8 (dispersion suppressor) go above the quench limit.
- Answering a
question by YP and FR, RA points out the the computations do not include neither
snap-back effects nor momentum cleaning.
- The n1 versus
beta during the squeeze in IR1 and 5 diminishes. The final value seems to be too
low. JBJ argues
that the tolerances have to be verified to fit with the latest ones.
TW will check this.
- RA shows a
squeeze procedure including the relevant collimator settings
- SLM -> MG
- The request
a fellow working on the on-line model was accepted. A Technical student
for application
software work was selected.
- The ABP party
will be on
Tuesday 12th of December.
- The DG will
give his annual talk on
the 18th of January.
- The PAC conference participation will
be discussed on ABMB today.
- LTC -> MG
- A
was given by JBJ regarding the replacement of the Y vacuum chamber in
IR2 and IR8.
- Following a comment by
SF, further investigations will be carried out concerning the available
mechanical aperture for the D2 separation dipoles on the injection side
in IR2 and 8. According to preliminary analysis of the geometrical data,
IR2 aperture can be improved provided that the spare D2 magnet is
installed in the place of the selected one. On the other hand not very
much can be done for IR8, as the D2 magnet is already installed.
At the forthcoming LTC a
presentation will be given by Luca Bottura regarding the MEB issue
- New approach to IR8 crossing scheme -> WH, YP (pdf
- WH presents an alternative
crossing scheme for IR8 in order to keep the choice of the external
crossing angle the same independently of the spectrometer polarity. This is
done by crossing in both horizontal (internal) and vertical plane
(external) with the same crossing angle of 135μrad.
- The aperture is above 10σ
for the two extreme cases of β* of 10 m and 2 m at top energy. On the
other hand, at injection, the aperture is below 5σ around Q2.
- Therefore, the proposal consists in injecting
using the old scheme, set up the vertical external crossing angle and
remove the horizontal external crossing angle at top energy. This would allow
squeezing with a crossing scheme independent on the spectrometer polarity.
However, the injection process will differ depending on the sign of the
spectrometer magnet.
- MG suggests to check wether the shift
the IP increases the aperture at injection and to find the minimum
crossing angle which does not present aperture problems at injection.
- Integration of 90 m TOTEM optics in the V6.500 LHC
optics -> HB, TR (pdf
- HB presents the early optics for TOTEM.
He recalls that it is very difficult to achieve the nominal settings
(high beta of amore than one thousand meters, different integer tune, etc), in
the first machine runs.
Aperture at 7 TeV is not an issue
(above 12σ).
While in the vertical plane the phase advance can be set to the correct
value, in the horizontal one a tune change of δQ=0.083 has to be
compensated for. Three solutions are at hand:
- Using IR4: this
generates dispersion in the cavities and it does nto seem the best approach.
- Using MQTs: this gives a
beta-beating of 3%.
- Using MQs: this
gives a beta-beating of 1%.
- The second solution is the preferred one.
It is also highlighted that with the new optics version 6.501 the tune
difference will be even smaller and a better solution is expected.
- Preliminary results are shown where the
un-squeeze between 90 and 11 m is possible, but not not smooth for some
knobs (MQTL11).
- MG asks if the tune compensation with
IR4 is possible. HB replies that there
is a solution and looks very normal even though this entails a non-zero
dispersion at the cavities.
- There is no way
of injecting with 90m
optics in IR5, as aperture is reduced by a factor of 2.
- Andres
Alonso is a PhD student working with Rudiger Schmidt on machine protection issues and will join the LOC meetings.
Currently he is working in the IR8 protection VELO.
Riccardo is working on the new matching
module. A presentation at the next meeting is scheduled.
Color code:
Black: proposed agenda
Red: outcome
of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 20-12-2006 10:45:00
& YP