Present: RA, CB, HB, AGA, MG, JJ, RdM, YP, VP, FR, TR, RS, FS, RT, FZ.
- Report from meetings
- SLM -> MG
- The new
for the section and a corrected group structure was presented.
- A group
for presenting the new group structure and the new salary grid will
take place at the beginning of
- A request was issued
to evaluate the number of offices to be reserved in the Meyrin side in
case the ABP Group is moved to Prevessin. Feedback from the LOC members
is expected.
- MEB -> MG
- The magnet
approval is continuing with 5 SSS, 11 SpSSS and around 40 MB to go.
- A short
circuit was discovered in an MQ and MQTL of a SpSSS (523) and no spare is
available. Installation schedule will probably impose to use the
non-conform SSS523.
There is a shortage
also in terms of components.
- Fidel -> FS
- Lacking a
clear definition of what FIDEL is offering. FS introduced the on-line
complicated WISE simple collection of data as it gives the possibility of
cmputing the magnetic properties at an arbitrary energy, based on the
magnet model. A meeting should be made to
check WISE data. Also, TR will continue the discussion concerning polarity
convention in the LHC MADX sequence.
- Joint Machine-Experiments Workshops -> HB (pdf file)
- The workshop
was organized over two days. There were a number of questions from
the experiments' side regarding beam dynamics issues.
- Among the
talks Roger Bailey presented a preliminary 2008 run schedule. There are
still discussions regarding the engineering run of 2007, in particular following
the hardware problem of the heat exchanger of the MQX quadrupoles.
- The second
day was dedicated to luminosity monitoring. Experiments seem interested
also on how
the machine can measure luminosity. The calibration is very important
and it may be provided by TOTEM, but it is impossible at the early stage
of LHC.
- HB suggests
to have a PhD student proposal with subject the luminosity monitoring
and complement this with background studies.
- Status report of FP420 -> FeRo
(pdf file)
- The FP420
consists of a forward proton
tagging detector, 420m from the IP, looking at out-going
protons with less than 1%
loss of their momentum.
- The budget is
mainly covered by UK institutes, and a large collaboration was
- R&D phase was
initiated and a design report should be available on spring
- The main
mechanical impact of the detector in the machine is that the cryogenic
line should be extended.
- Some ongoing
investigations on impedance effects are presented. Both simulations and
measurements will be performed to estimate the impedance of the device.
- A study of the
machine induced background
as seen by the FP420 detector were presented. The interpretation of the
results as well as the initial distribution will be discussed with the
Collimation Team.
- Chromatic behavior of V6.5 LHC optics -> TR (pdf file)
- This study was
triggered by the fact that Igor Baichev
using his LHC model could not reproduce tune vs dp/p shown in the LHC
design report.
In particular, crossing between the tune curves for collision optics are
- In view of the new optics
under study (V6.501) some update of the chromatic behavior is
needed. Work on this topic was done by A. Verdier (LHC PN 103 concerning V5.0)
as well as SF (LHC PR 308 concerning V6.0).
- The study is done
using Riccardo's
procedure with many families of sextupoles, which enables the
flattening of the tune curve vs dp/p
- RA questions why
the curves are not completely flat and TR replies that the criterion is to
keep the same dependence in horizontal and vertical Q so as the tunes
do not cross. YP asks what are the parameters minimized? TR
answers that the sextupole families minimize Q' and
Q''. YP adds that it may be interesting to minimize off-momentum
- TR concludes that
moving away from
the phase advance of V.6.4 relies on operational feasibility of
chromaticity correction with more than 2 sextupole families.
- RdM asks what is
problem for changing the phase advance of the arc, instead of the
straights. YP reminds that with respect to hardware there is no
limitation (individual powering of arcs), but
sorting is done based on fixed phase advances and may not be so
efficient if they are changed.
- RA asks when the
version becomes official? MG and TR answer that the only outstanding
issue is the chromaticity problem and that prior to the official release, the
optics will be communicated to the Collimation Team for qualification
Colour code:
- Black: proposed agenda
- Red: outcome of discussion at the meeting
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