Summary notes of LCU meeting on 9/07/2007
Present: MA, CB, RB, FC, SF, MG, AG, EM, FeRo, RT, PL, TW, FZ
Report from meetings
LHC transverse dumper expected performance ->
W. Höfle (pdf file)
A review of the performance of the transverse dumper is made. The aim is to
define an operational scenario for the use of the dumper and octupoles at top
energy. As an outcome of the presentation some issues were identified:
the correctability of the injection kicker overshoot should be verified. It will have an impact on the first injected bunches;
the level of noise tolerated by the beam at top energy should be assessed. This is a crucial piece of information to decide whether the dumper can be used at top energy;
there is some potential gain in the signal-to-noise ratio in a trimming of the optics of the IR4 insertion. It is mentioned that the vertical beta-function at Q7L should be increased to about 100 m (it is currently about 87 m) from Beam 2;
Last update: 7-August-07
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