Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 27/08/2007
Present: IA, MA, RB, HB, RDM, MG, JJ, AK, PL, VP, SR, FeRo, TW
Report from meetings
Simulation of coupled-bunch instabilities in the LHC -> AK (pdf file)
AK reported about coupled-bunch simulations, based on the work he did for his thesis about 3 years ago. He wrote a program MULTI-TRISIM, extending the existing single bunch code TRISIM3D. The program, as its predecessors,
is written in FORTRAN77 and currently requires the 32 bit option to run on recent 64 bit machines like lxplus.
The simulation is done in the frequency domain. A classical rigid-bunch tracking
is implemented, with one bunch being represented by macro-particles. The
tracking is performed using energy dependent transfer matrices and kicks for
transverse non-linearities (only octupoles for the time being), and the
The simulation of the impedance includes resistive wall with inductive bypass and Yokoya factors as important for the flat SPS-chambers as well as narrow resonances from
cavity like structures. The program uses FFT, convolution and zero-padding techniques to reduce the computing time which would otherwise scale with the numbers of bunches squared and become rather impractical for the LHC.
His simulations for the LHC include octupoles and predict that the resulting Landau damping allows to stabilize the multi-bunch instabilities expected in the LHC when the transverse feedback is turned off at top-energy to limit emittance increase by noise. It appears that the program of AK will be very useful for the LHC and that better documentation
would be highly desirable. In addition, it seems clear that some extensions will
be needed to perform a detailed study, such as:
Preliminary results from optics studies for IR2 -> JJ (web
JJ reported on the current status of his work on LHC aperture model and IR2 matching
(squeeze and un-squeeze sequences) as required for heavy ion and proton operation in the LHC,
The work is done for LHC optics V6.501. A new version of the complete aperture
model merging the new information in the aperture assignment files for V6.501
into the complete continuous model that was built for V6.500 was generated. He showed results of a comparison changes between V6.500 and V6.501.
MG recalls that the aperture model for V6.501 is indeed the aperture model of
the machine as built and it is the outcome of the magnet allocation at the MEB.
The information from the measured geometry was stored in the tolerances. Details
can be found in the LHC Project Report 1007 by JBJ. This means that the only
difference between the V6.500 and V6.501 aperture models should be in the
tolerances. Further work is also required on aperture and it was suggested that
this should be followed up involving John, Stefano, Thys and Samy.
A new matching of the squeeze in IR2 is required for V6.501. Un-squeeze to increased beta* has also been requested for
proton operation. JJ reported that he started on both the squeeze and un-squeeze
in V6.501.
LHC collimator impedance measurements -> FeRo
FeRo reported about the status of the laboratory measurements of impedances which are relevant for benchmarking of the estimates for the LHC collimator impedances. Using a preliminary setup with network analysers, coils and graphite plate samples, it appears that measurements of the impedance in the relevant frequency range of about 1 kHz to 1 MHz are in fact feasible and should allow to verify important assumptions like the inductive bypass. The work is progressing well.
Little progress is expected to happen in September due to other activities. SR said that a proper collimator test stand has been made and
might be available for some time for various tests and measurements. MG states
that any decision in this sense should be taken in agreement with RA.
Last update: 27-August-07
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