Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 03/06/2008
Present: IA, MA, A, GB, CB, RB, HB, RC, MG, WH, JJ, DK, PL, MM, AM, JN, TP, VP, TR, FR, RT, TW, SW, SY, FZ
Report from meetings
Combined betatron and momentum collimation in IR3 -> RA (pdf)
The issue is possible radiation damage of not sufficiently radiation hard electronics installed too close to IR7.
Even though all the elements to draw conclusions were available since quite some
time, it was the recent CNGS accident that triggered a study on the radiation
conditions in the LHC underground areas. This in view of assessing whether
dangerous single even upsets to electronics could be anticipated. The positive
outcome of the study lead to a crash programme to define a strategy for a long
term solution: unfortunately, such a definitive solution will take time to be
The situation happens to be much less critical in IR3 were electronics is further away from the beam.
A special effort to study if temporarily also the betatron collimation could be done in IR3 in combination with the momentum collimation was launched recently. Simulation results confirm that this should be possible. The loss in collimation efficiency should be tolerable for the first year(s) of operation,
while implementing a long-term solution for the electronic devices.
Consequences for ion collimation were also studied - even if currently no ion run is planned for the first year:
it should be ok with intensities ten times below nominal ion operation, which should be adequate for a first ion run.
It is planned to study the optimization of betatron and momentum cleaning in IR3
by re-matching the optics, namely reducing by about 30% the dispersion at the
primary momentum collimators.
Effect of the magnetic hysteresis on the LHC crossing angle and separation bumps -> SW
SW reported on studies done with magnet experts (Nicholas Sammut, Walter Venturini Delsolaro) on the effects of the magnetic hysteresis of the insertion correctors used for separation and crossing angle bumps. The hysteresis is
modeled using Fidel and based on measurements. The effects on optics were studied with MAD-X. The work was started to control systematic effects in luminosity scans and results will be described in an EPAC contribution. It was found that the effects produced by the MCBC magnets which are relevant for luminosity scans, will be rather small, about 0.04 sigma in separation.
Full separation and nominal operation with both separation and crossing angle will also require the MCBX magnets. Effects will then be larger, up to 1 sigma in separation, 10% in crossing angle in IP5 and residual rms orbits of 0.07 mm in x and 0.06 mm y, and require rather accurate simulation.
From the simulations, the required level of accuracy of the magnetic model is of
the order of 0.2%: at this level the orbit perturbation will be at the same
level as that induced by beam-beam effects.
Further studies with simulation of the full magnetic cycles are planned.
Results of beam-beam tracking studies in 2007 -> DK
DK apologised that some plots he wanted to show were missing today due to technical problems with his computer.
He showed results for the dynamic aperture (DA) and the onset of chaos for
head-on collisions at 450 GeV at beta* = 11m. The studies included measured
magnetic errors. b1 and a1 errors generates some seed to fail due to unstable
Twiss (closed orbit not found). Hence, the resulting DA results were based on a
smaller number of seed than 60. JJ suggested that the issue with closed orbit
may be circumvented by turning sextupoles off. Dynamic apertures were found to be
about 12 sigma.
Tune scans around the injection tune, showed that the over a wide tune range
(0.01) DA is essentially constant.
Non perfect closed orbit correction were used in order to assess the impact on
the DA (feed down effects): a sizeable effect is observed in case the max closed
orbit exceeds 6 mm (which is in any case not compatible with the aperture
The effect of magic phase advances between IP1 &5 with pi/2 in x and 3/2 pi in y were also studied and found to increase the chaos threshold.
Studies at 7 TeV confirmed that DA at 11m beta* is very comfortable.
For beta*=2 m a reduction is observed, but for some values of the phase space
Last update: 06-June-08
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