Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 21/10/2008
Present: IA, MA, RB, HB, RC, MG, NH, JJ, YL, AM, TR, FR, FS, RT, SW, SY, FZ, W. Fischer/BNL
Report from meetings
Analysis of LHC Injection into sector 78 data -> YS (pdf)
YS analyses data taken on the 24 August 2008 during the injection tests into LHC sector 78. Trajectories were recorded for large initial kicks. This allows checks of signs, not only of corrector magnets but in some cases also for quadrupoles and sextupoles circutis. While most corrector signs were found as expected, some further analysis and checks with the actual settings as recorded in the settings database will be needed to clarify the signs in few cases. In particular, the comparison between the results obtained using Beam2 and Beam 4 requires still clarifications. For a number of circuits a good agreement between measurement and model is obtained in one plane, but not in the other.
Status of the Thin-lens Tracking module in MAD-X -> YS (pdf)
YS reported from work with MAD-X thin lens tracking. Thin lens tracking with MAD-X is well adapted for injection studies and commissioning with few turns. Thin lens tracking in MAD-X was improved by
A. Koschik. Among the remaining things to do is to find the 6d closed orbit
using the computed by Twiss as an initial guess, only. The crucial point is that
the physics implemented in the Twiss and Tracking module is not the same. Hence,
exporting results between the two module is not correct. The implementation of
the closed orbit computation is still in progress.
YS looked closer to the MAD-X tracking routine trrun.F and the use of apertures in MAD-X. Indeed,
the racetrack shape was not implemented in the tracking module. This is fixed,
It is raised the question whether all the aperture types available in the
aperture module are indeed useful and should be implemented in the rest of the
code. the general opinion is that the basic shapes (circle,
ellipse, rectangle) should be kept together
with rectellipse and racetrack. Aperture types
like lhcscreen (not even used by us) and marguerite
might be frozen. This will be followed up by FS with
FS reported that while working on the Beam2 and
Beam 4 conversion, TR found a bug in the micado
module. This turned out to be generated by an utomatic translation from
FORTRAN66 (original code) to FORTRAN77 (current code in MADX). FS
also reports the proposal by WH to change the default for
closed orbit correction (it is currently micado). This proposal
did not received particular support and it was decided to leave the situation as
it is now.
MG reports that in a future release of MADX the thresholds for
SVD correction will be adjustable parameters.
SAD-MADX converter -> AM (pdf)
AM looked into the possibility of automatic translation between optics descriptions for MAD-X and SAD. He explained that this is not straight forward due to some fundamental differences between MAD-X and SAD. Different conventions for the field strength are used,
but more than this, SAD allows using fancier field configurations in a lattice.
Furthermore, SAD allows for offsets as element attributes and for overlapping elements,
which MAD-X does not. This explains why a one-to-one translation is in general
not possible. In fact, the additional functionality in SAD makes it hard to translate SAD input in to MAD-X input.
On the other hand, MAD-X to SAD conversion is easier. Essentially, the convertor
developed allows generating a SAD lattice for LHC.
MG asks about the status of the beta* tuning knob, which were
developed in SAD. AM replies that the core of the knobs is the
matching algorithm and it cannot be converted into MADX. FZ
suggests to document the algorithm used and mentioned that YS
could take care of preparing the beta* tuning knobs. This proposal is retained.
Last update: 22-October-08
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