Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 05/05/2009
Present: HB, MG, WH, BH, EL, FR, AR, GV, SW, FS
Report from meetings
- SLM -> MG
MG reminds that he circulated an email on "On-line safety courses" and the we are encouraged to follow these.
An ABP Forum is planned on alignment, with three presentations from members of the SU section showing the results of the recent alignment campaigns for the different machines
(CPS, SPS, and LHC).
MAD-X polarity flag is being reviewed with SF, FS,
TR, MG, and specifications transmitted to Pascal
Leroux, Stephan Russenschuck, and Markus
Zerlauth for implementation in the layout database. While the
currently implemented polarity flag was found correct for quadrupoles
(MQTLs, and MQTs) there are still open questions concerning the higher order multipole correctors for the triplet magnets
and skew magnets.
There is a request for volunteers to help with access and patrols in the LHC:
everybody is encouraged to enroll.
TR retired as CERN staff and stays as honorary member.
Olav Berrig is now in charge of the LHC optics files.
HB said there have been discussions in preparation of the planned tests of ramping down the separation bumps to minimize the time needed to bring beams into collisions. The idea is now to do these tests in several steps, starting with hardware tests and measurements of the MCBX and MCBY, MCBC magnets alone and more complete combined tests later.
The MCBX are nested and it is not completely clear to which extent
current limits can be translated into strength limits in one plane.
After the meeting BH discussed with
K. H. Mess and W.
Venturini and collected some more information:
1.) There is a quench limit for these magnets. As they are nested coils the
overall quench limit depends on the current in both, the hor. and vert.
coil, namely
I^2 (MCBXH) + I^2 (MCBXV) <= I^2 total
Where the limit of I total is 550 A.
2.) The solution currently implemented consists of limiting both coils to 70
% of Itotal current. A better solution should be found as this limit is too
3.) Persistent (or eddy) current effects are present only when the currents
are low. The experts are working therefore on a better description of these
coils for the FiDel. This is a principle issue and any change of current in
these coils will lead to a small orbit distortion in the other plane (if the
overall field created by the two coils is small)
Studies for the IR8 squeeze -> WH (pdf)
WH explained recent work on the IR8 squeeze
computed by Malika. This is done taking into account all known hardware constraints and the prospects of the first longer LHC operation for physics at 5 TeV. In the earlier operation, it is planned to allow for a squeeze in IR8 from 10m down to 2 m to increase luminosity.
Intermediate matched optics were computed using steps of 0.5 m in beta*. The
computation show that even using 1 m step the maximum beta-beating and
chromaticity variation in between two matched points is small. The only
exception is the transition between beta* = 6m and 7m and between 3 m and 2 m. A
reason for reducing the number of matched optics during the squeeze sequence is
the time for the squeeze sequence (the currents are rounded before and after
each matched optics).
However, after the meeting MG got the information from
Marek Strzelczyk that the squeeze time for IR8 (including pre-squeeze) is about
1300 s which is compatible with IR1 and IR5 time. Therefore, there is no real
need to reduce the number of matched optics form the squeeze sequence.
WH also said that the crossing schemes were defined for the nominal LHC but will have to be reviewed for 5 TeV and the beta* values planned for the first LHC run.
For this it will also be important to clarify the MCBX limitations
(knowing that another possibility would be, e.g., to share the strength among
the MCBX in Q1 and Q2).
For IR2 in proton operation no squeeze is required as the
luminosity has to be low and this can be achieved by displacing bunches (up to 50 ns bunch spacing).
FS reports that a new MAD-X version will be
released soon to overcome a number of issues. The new compiler provided an
interesting gain in speed.
Last update: 05-May-09
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