Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 01/12/2009
Present: GB, HB, RC, OD, MF, BH, JJ, EL, YL, AM, AR, FS, MS, YS, RT, GV, SW, FZ, JC
Report from meetings
Action and Phase Jump Analysis: From RHIC to the LHC -> Javier Cardona (slides)
JC described an action and phase jump analysis of
BPM data. It allows to determine and localize machine errors (linear and
non-linear) by looking at discontinuities in the action and phase variables.
The method was successfully applied at RHIC and it was also applied to SPS data
taken with strong sextupoles excited.
There are plans to establish a collaboration to apply this method to LHC BPM data.
In this respect JC will take part in the forthcoming
measurement sessions during the LHC beam commissioning.
Optics in IR2 for 3.5 TeV -> JJ (slides)
As reported previously, the IR2 optics is highly constraint at 450 GeV due to injection and aperture requirements. For the 3.5 TeV operation next year, ALICE requests a beta* = 3 m which should be reached directly in a squeeze without pre-squeeze to save time. A satisfactory solution for the squeeze was found with a single point between 10 m and 9.5 m beta*.
MG suggested to try to further reduce the beta beating by inserting another intermediate point
and to add the evaluation of the tune and chromaticity variation during the
squeeze. Matching the separation bumps will still have to be done.
Workshop on Tevatron after end of physics -> FS (slides)
There will be a workshop at Fermilab in January 2010 to discuss the possible use of the TEVATRON before the shutdown in 2012 for machine experiments
(further information can be found
FS is in the organizing committee and is supposed to collect
the CERN requests for measurements. Stefano Redaelli and
RWA will participate in the workshop. Possible subjects to study in the TEVATRON are collimation, beam-beam compensation and electron cloud. Further ideas are welcome
and should be sent to FS.
Last update: 01-December-09
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