Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 19/04/2011
Report from meetings
Symplectic integrator for a
relativistic particle in a RF cavity ->
RdM (slides)
Since the last
workshop the issue of field quality for crab cavity is being discussed and
reviewed. The key point is to provide specifications to the cavity-builders
based on the results of tracking simulations. Of course, the field quality will
be only one aspect of the specification, others being impedance, transparency to
operation, description of failure modes etc. (mode details can be found
Based on a number of assumptions, RdM shows that the transverse
kick imparted by the crab cavity can be derived from a Hamiltonian and is
harmonic. This provides a way of implementing a multipole development of the
cavity field in tracking simulations that could be used to set limits to the
various components. This formalism is already implemented in PTC by E. Forest
and RdM is going to check that the field obtained by numerical
simulations does satisfy the properties derived.
During the presentation a number of comments on the assumptions used were made.
It could be possible to come back to this topic with another presentation based
on an alternative approach to compare them.
Last update: 04-May-2011
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