Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 29/11/2011
Present: JA, HB, RC, RDM, LD, OD, SF, MF, MG, BH, JJ, YL, YP, AR, MS, RT, FZ, CY
Report from meetings
MAD-X status -> LD (slides)
Laurent gave an update on the MAD-X status. The file splitting continued. There are now 66 modules and the global parts have been removed as planned. All wrapper have been removed as well.
E-groups have been created to improve the information flow. See the slides for more details.
activities on the physics, e.g., crab cavity implementation, will start soon.
LHC MD requests for 2012 -> Round table discussion
We had a first round table discussion of MD items. This will be used as input to the LSWG meeting next week and for a presentation by FZ on MD plans in Evian.
Overview of topics:
Several MDs on high-beta*. TOTEM and ALFA request operation at very high beta* in 2012 to reach the Coulomb interference region, which is known to be difficult at LHC energies. In addition, we need more information for extra cables or Q4 inversion relevant for the shutdown work in LS1.
Several of us collaborate on the planning of an MD on luminosity levelling using beta squeeze in collisions.
MDs on proton lead collisions in preparation to the next year's run.
Further MD items are emittance preservation, the effect of cavity noise and synchrobetatron resonances.
There will be requests for collimation and chromatic aberration, ATS optics, an improved IR6 optics, improved K-modulation tool, and non-linear beam dynamics.
Effect of a crab cavity on the particle trajectory -> FZ (slides)
The effect of a crab cavity in the LHC is studied for the HL-LHC and requires a detailed simulation.
There are still principle questions on how this could be done using field expansion techniques and integration of the equations of motion.
The approach proposed by RdM is already expressing the integrated kick in terms
of multipoles, hence the issue of integrating the equation of motion is solved
since the beginning. It is proposed to move on two independent lines: implement
the crab cavity model using the integrated kick developed in terms of RF-multipoles;
analyse the expanded fields as proposed by R. Appleby at the
More on the implementation of the simulation of crab cavities in SIXTRACK will be discussed in the next LCU meeting
in conjunction with ideas on how to have a clean implementation also in MAD-X.
Last update: 06-December-2011
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