SLM and general information -> MG As announced previously, we will have our general ABP group meeting
on Monday 18 June with presentations on the activities in the sections
followed by the barbecue. The annual report has been written with a
section by MG on the LCU activities, edited for ABP by
Gianluigi and is now with Paul Collier. Several magnets with high splice resistance will be replaced or repaired
in LS1. Q7.L3 is one of them. During the construction at CERN the
quadrupole was installed in the cryostat rotated by 180 degrees along the
s-axis. This exchanges V1 with V2, but has no serious impact on the machine
performance and the quadrupole will be used as-is. Studies aiming to
understand losses recently observed in operation have shown that squeeze
functions were slightly too fast for Q6 magnets. At the same time it was
found however that the actual differences were too small to account for
the observed losses. MG continued aperture studies for
proposed experimental beam-pipe
modifications. The aperture models now
contain s-dependent tolerances. The standard apertures are in
V6.503/aperture and the new upgrade apertures relevant after LS1, LS2 in
layouts after LS2 were certified by Mark Gallilee.
prepared aperture models for the new proposed AFP "Hamburg beam-pipe"
which can be found in ~giovanno/public/For_AFP. There will be an LEB
meeting on Friday. HB asked if the possible interference between the AFP and ALFA
detectors, both placed in the very forward region over 200m downstream
from IP1 was checked. This seems not to be the case and HB
contacted ALFA on this subject after the meeting. SF reminded that magnets in
the insertions like Q5 will be moved for the HL-LHC upgrade.
LHC status -> MG The LHC runs very well, and the goal for
of5fb-1 integrated luminosity
has already been reached last weekend. For more information see the
LHC 2012 latest news.
MAD-X status -> LD New
development MAD-X version are ready and the test tool is available in the
repository. A module keeper meeting was planned and had to be postponed
due to unavailabilities of participants.
LHC-ions -> JJ (slides) John reported from several heavy ion related
meetings. The
pA@LHC workshop took place last week, starting
with a presentation by John onpA in the LHC. With TOTEM recently joining (they willl be running
together with CMS) and LHCf being
re-installed, all LHC experiments will participate in the pA run as also
LHCb will take part in this special run. The
requirements and requests differ between the experiments:CMS can accept high luminosities and has an asymmetric acceptance
due to their CASTOR detector. John also reported from
the Scientific Information Board that he attended. Accelerator papers
should also go to 20 0000 eBooks are accessible from CERN. See
his slides.