Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 06/07/2012
Present: AL, PS, SW, PH, TP, MG, AB, RV, LD, SF, MF, JJ, RT, OB, RdM, FZ.
Report from meetings
...The sign of the LHC octupoles -> SF (slides)
SF presents his views on the problem, illustrated by several movies showing the tune footprint evolution during the collapsing process (nominal bunches, IP8 private bunches, variation from bunch to bunch).
He stresses that the source of the problem is the long-range of IR1 and IR5,
which is enhanced by a factor of 2 during the collapsing process. This effect is compensating the octupole tune spread, first on the anti-diagonal for parallel separation of the order of 15 sigma*, then both on the diagonal and anti-diagonal
at a very small separation around 2 sigma*.
This explanation matches very well with the
observation that the so-called IP8 private bunches have now much less long-ranges in IR1 and IR5 with the new LHC filling scheme, and are not lost any longer during the levelling process.
There is a general consensus that these results shold be cross-checked by
the beam-beam team.
There is a general consensus that these results should be
presented at the next LMC, recommending a change of octupole polarity.
Last update: 24-July-2012
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