Minutes of the LIS Section meeting held on 29th November 2010

Present: G. Arduini, H. Bartosik, C. Carli, S. Gilardoni, J. Gil Flores, G. Prior, Y. Papaphilippou, A. Lachaize, M. Newman

General Information (Gianluigi) 


The Chamonix meeting will take place in the last week of January. Decisions on the running scenarios for 2011 (energy, intensity, beta*) and on the possibility of running in 2012 will be taken there.


An MD with 75 ns and 50 ns beams has taken place form 17/11 to 20/11. A reduced vacuum activity with 75 ns spacing as compared to 50 ns has been observed but important pressure rise observed for large number of bunches. No visible heat load due to electron cloud in the beam screens for 75 ns beam (but therefore no scrubbing!). Important heat-load in the triplet-cold D1 region in particular L8. Comparison of 50ns beam behaviour during the ramp and at 3.5 TeV before and after scrubbing at 450 GeV clearly shows improvement in the straight sections (factor 7 reduction in pressure rise after 16 h of effective scrubbing) and in the arcs (heat load reduction by > factor 2).


Low gamma transition optics (Hannes) - slides

A low gamma transition optics was already tested in the SPS in 1978 (D. Boussard et al. they went to tunes of 14-15 to inject 14 GeV/c protons above transition and accelerate more than few 1010 p.

The present solution (tune of 20) has a maximum dispersion: 8 m. The slip factor increased by a factor 3 at injection (26 GeV/c) and 1.6 at flat-top (450 GeV/c).

One possibility would be to increase the tune to 22 so that the slip factor is increased by a factor 2 at injection and by 1.3 at flat-top. This would reduce the voltage requirements at flat-top while still increasing the threshold for TMCI at low energy.

So far injection transfer-line optics has not been matched but the expected mismatch is small as the twiss parameters and dispersion are not changing significantly.

After loading the optics beam measurements have been performed to qualify it. Less than 20% beta beating has been measured in the H-plane. The dispersion measurements are in very good agreement with the expected values. Gianluigi noted that this could indicate the the beta beating is even lower. From the measurements of non linear chromaticity non-linear terms have been extracted.

The Synchrotron frequency has been determined at injection by measuring the quadrupolar frequency at injection for a given (unmatched) voltage.

The bunch intensity used for the measurement of synchrotron frequency was 1011 protons.

No sign of instability have been observed at injection up to ~3x1011

Losses (~10 %) have been observed by means of the wall current monitor by considering the time evolution of the integral of the longitudinal profile. The losses at injection diminish by increasing the capture voltage although for larger voltages slow losses along the injection plateau are observed. Gianluigi noted that this has already been seen with the nominal optics. That could be related to the larger momentum spread and dynamic aperture or to space charge.

Hannes evidenced some issues encountered with the instrumentation in the SPS:

These issues will be transmitted to the MSWG. Action: Gianluigi.

The beam has been accelerated with the low gamma transition optics. Measurements during the ramp were done but chromaticity still needs to be corrected along the ramp.

The dependence of the losses/blow-up at injection on the working point (so to compensate for possible space charge effects) needs to be studied.

The radial steering knob (taking into account the different transition energy) should be updated for next year.

The measurement of the momentum offset in combination with the measurement of the tune must be done in order to measure chromaticity during the ramp.

Round Table (all)

Antoine. The study of the PS2 MTE including the effect of various elements on capture efficiency (chirp, non-linear element strength) and the impact on aperture has been completed.

Christian. LEIR: the stripping foil had to be changed again as the stripping efficiency decreased once more.

Myriam: Stability of the trajectory for the MTE vs. CT has to be analyzed.

Gersende: waiting for a new release of MARS for simulations. The proposal for tests of the MICE RF cavities has been updated.

Yannis: FLUKA simulations for the collimation for PS2 are being done in collaboration with members of the FLUKA team. These had to be repeated as the input parameters used by the FLUKA team were not correct.

Hannes tried to run simulations of the dynamic aperture for PS2 with a larger number of turns (10000) but the results are not changing significantly

Next meeting

Monday, 17th January 2010 at 14:00 in room 354-1-001




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