Summary notes of the LCU meeting on 02/06/2009

Present: MA, OB, CB, HB, AE, SF, MG, WH, BH, JJ. EL, YL, JN, FR, AR, FS, YS, SW, DW, FZ

Report from meetings

Optics design studies for a LINAC/ERL-based LHeC -> AE (slides)

FZ shortly introduced the work. After having already been with us as a summer student, AE started in February to work at CERN on the linac option of the LHeC supervised by FZ.
He started first to work out the main parameters using Mathematica, then used PLACET and more recently MAD-X as described in the presentation. A geometry with a racetrack and 2 recirculation's is believed to be most effective. The optics will have to work for a large energy range and it is not easy to calculate and optimize chromatic corrections with the available tools. FZ said that Georg Hoffstaetter suggested to lower the injection energy to get the highest energy recovering efficiency. There were doubts on MAD-X with synchrotron radiation and it was suggested to check with MAD8, SIXTRACK or possible PTC and on the proof of principle of ERLs relevant for this application. After the meeting FS confirmed that radiation effects are indeed implemented in MAD-X (thintrack module) as well as in PTC (ptc_track module).



Last update: 03-June-09


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