Presents: RWA, CB, JB, HB, AF, MG, WH, BJ, JJ, AK, YP, SR, TR, FS, TW.
- Follow up of actions
- Aperture analysis of the
improved optics solutions prepared by TR-> MG
- TR prepared new IR optics with improved aperture. MG will give a detailed presentation during the
next meeting.
- LHCWG-> MG (pdf
- There are several action to be covered up during the
following meetings.
- Circumference difference between rings and
non-reproducibility for the two aperture -> Luca Bottura, MG and GA.
- Beam based measurement an correction of transfer function in
separation dipoles using orbit feed-back (D2 in particular) -> tbd
- Expected triplet quad roll error and related measurement
procedures -> tbd
- Global view of expected imperfections (follow-up of RT study for
beta-beating) -> JPK, ET, MG
- LTC action-> MG
- Maximum bump amplitude at 450 GeV
-> YP
- Transparency of spectrometer polarity
for LHCb (WH on Chamonix 2006) -> WH and/or YP
- Injection optics for Pb collisions
-> JJ
- Energy spread via beam profile
monitors (LCC) -> tbd
- Report from meetings
- Work continued on the allocation of SSS, SpSSS and MBWs.
- Ranko Ostojic reported a problem detected during the
installation of the first cold D4 separation dipole. Actually, the
hardware type was wrong and the decision proposed was to
move it to the equivalent slot but geometrical shifts were not able to
be applied. A geometrical re-qualification of the magnet was necessary.
- TCC-> MG
- In IR3, cables are pulled in very
tight bundles and cooling them will be very difficult. As a
result, magnets may not be able to be powered
to their nominal values. Paul Prudlock asked to check the warm orbit
correctors and the trim warm quadrupoles. For the latter there is no
problem. Some work needs to be done on the orbit correctors. A rough 30% level was communicated
Paul in order for him to be able to do a first check. TR will study the expected values
for the orbit correctors and will report during next meeting.
- MADX meeting -> FS
Piotr added many tools in MADX and
thin lens tracing module was improved (varying fields)
- Phasing of collimation installation -> RWA (pdf
- RWA presented the transparencies that he was going to show
at the next MARIC meeting.
- The collimation production and phases as well as the collimator general layout.
Supports and infrastructure are already installed,
apart from
tanks and vacuum pumping devices.
- The production delays from the company (CERCA) are not related with
technical issue. The delays have an impact on the collimator installation
- A particular brazing problem was described, resulting in vacuum leaks,
which is now fixed.
- The collimator needs for the 450 GeV were presented: there is no additional
limitation for low
energy run for intensities of 3 x 1013 at 450GeV and 2 x 1012 at 1 TeV due to the revised installation
schedule of collimators.
- HB asked about the situation of injection TCIs. RWA answered
that they will be delayed to phase 2.
- Updates on optics studies -> TR
- TR worked out an option of compensating the phase advance
using only the quadrupoles in IR4. He has to check with JBJ the details of mechanical aperture in IR4.
- There is an issue on the septum aperture and the
renormalization of IR3
due to momentum collimation. This should be checked with JBJ.
- IR2 and 8 spectrometer compensation at 450
GeV -> YP (pdf file)
- YP presents the impact in aperture when having the
experimental dipoles in IR2 and IR8 to their maximum strength, during
the LHC collision run next year (LTC action).
- The optics of both IRs is presented as well as the scheme of the
experimental magnet compensation which creates the internal crossing
- The nominal cases are compared to the case of maximum
strength in the spectrometer magnets (for the various crossing scheme
flavors and polarities) creating a 16-fold increase in the folding
angle and maximum in the orbit excursion on the second compensators.
- In consequence, the main limitations come in both IRs in the
location of the 2nd compensator magnet:
- MBWMD in IR2 -> Available
aperture of 9mm (with respect to 14mm for the nominal case),
corresponding to 13σ of
aperture loss.
- MBXWH in IR8 -> Available
aperture of 6mm (with respect to 12mm for the nominal case),
corresponding to 15σ of
aperture loss.
- Given the tight
aperture, it is felt safer to require that the spectrometer magnets are at
their nominal value/16 at injection and the ramped. This, by the way, will
be the configuration during routine operation runs.
- FS reports about
recent issues concerning tracking/tools (pdf file):
- He confirms that
solenoids are not included in SixTrack.
- A recent accident
with the CASTOR system will be analyzed in details. For the time being storing
tracking file to CASTOR should be disabled (MG circulated a mail from Eric
McIntosh on how to do this).
- A serious bug in the
MAD-X to SixTrack converter was recently fixed.
Colour code:
Black: proposed agenda
Red: outcome
of discussion at the meeting
Last update on 29-09-2006 10:00:00
& YP