Discussion of the injection test -> MG et al.
Polarity checks in sector 7-8 -> RC (pdf)
Polarity problems (not to mention closed orbit correctors):
Trim Quad: QT13.78
Skew Sextupoles: RSS.A78
Doubtful cases: SD1.78, SD2.78, KOD.A78
Polarities OK:
Trim & Skew Quads: QT11.78, QT12.78 & MQS.78
Sextupoles: SF1.A78 (?), SD[1,2].A78
B3 Spool Pieces: RCS.A78
Octupoles: KOF.A78
Geometry of beam separation and possible move of TCTV and y-chamber in IR2 -> JJ (pdf)
To avoid intercepting the spectator neutron with the TCTV in IR2, the y-shaped vacuum chamber should be displaced by about 2 m towards the IP.
The TCTV could then be installed downstream of the ZDC.
The preliminary analysis indicates that the clearance in the horizontal plane (distance between the beam envelope and the wall of the vacuum chamber is reduced by 3 mm).
Further checks are needed.
Recent e-cloud heat-load simulation results (LHC and LHC upgrade) -> H. Maury (pdf)
No difference in terms of heat load is found for the first and second batch.
No issue with heat load is found for 50 ns spacing and nominal beam parameters (intensity can be even pushed up to 2×1011 p/b).
For 25 ns spacing the dependence of the maximum SEY vs. bunch intensity is evaluated.
High-luminosity upgrade requires separate cooling for IRs.
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