Minutes of the LIS Section meeting held on 17th January 2011
Present: G. Arduini, H. Bartosik, S. Gilardoni, J. Gil Flores, A. Lachiaze, M. Newman
General Information (Gianluigi)
Simone said that it might be possible to increase the bunch intensity for the 150 and 75 ns above nominal intensity.
Problem with the 80 MHz cavity is understood. It was due to a mechanical problem with the tuner. A modification is going to be implemented to avoid that the problem re-appears.
One of the future MSWG meeting will be dedicated to discuss beam requirements. One possibility would be to run with the 50 ns beam with single batch injection in the PS (emittances will be larger) and then take the small emittance 75 ns beam obtained with double batch injection.
PS2 - single particle dynamics (Hannes) - slides
The focussing and defocussing quadrupoles are of the same type, the vacuum chamber only is different.
In the tune diagram plot red lines represent structural resoances while blue ones are not structural. Dashed lines represent resonances excited by skew elements.
Simone noted that octupoles are not included in the lattice. These could be necessary for Landau damping
108 BPMs are planned. This provides an extremely good phase coverage. Hannes mentioned that this has not been optimized.
The estimated aperture of the machine (3.5 sigmas) takes into account tolerances in orbit distortion and beta beating which are consistent with those seen after correction.
Error table for magnets taken form JPARC measurements. Degradation of the stable area when errors are included, largest impact is due to dipole errors (b5 and b7). The dynamic aperture is nevertheless larger than the physical aperture defined by the collimators.
MTE for PS2 (Antoine) - slides
The MTE study has been performed at 11.75, 6.71 but no magnetic errors have been included.
The ring is fully matched for change in tune.
Two octupoles and one sextupoles are used for the MTE capture. Including the correction of the non-linear coupling
Longitudinal motion has been considered
The presentation could not be completed due to the lack of time (another meeting starting in the same room) ==> postponed to the next meeting. Thanks Antpoine!
Next meeting
Monday, 14th February 2011 at 14:00 in room 354-1-001
General information (Gianluigi)
MTE for PS2 (Antoine)
Round table (all)
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