Accelerators and Beam Physics
Group is in charge of beam
physics issues and alignment
over the complete CERN
accelerator chain from the
sources to the LHC. The ABP
group is responsible for the
organization of machine
developments and contributes to
operation supervision and the
machine and detector alignment
It is in
charge of operation and
developments of hadron sources
and the supervision and
coordination of the hadron
linacs, including the Rex-Isolde
low-energy stage, and carries
out research and development
activities, e.g. Upgrade studies
for the LHC and its injector
complex, CLIC/CTF3, LINAC4,
EUCARD and CARE related studies.
It is also
involved in teaching activities
related to accelerator physics
(JUAS, CAS, Summer School, HST,
USPAS etc.).